Monday 13 August 2012

I recently realized my grandparents didn't have a proper big wedding photo, as they didn't have a professional photographer on the day, so they only had the photos relatives had taken.

I took two of the best, and scanned them in, so they could be printed out bigger.
But once I scanned them in, the quality decreased a lot, so I took them into Photoshop, and sorted them out, also trying to get rid of as many scratches as possible. And this is how they came out




Slow Flash.

My friend recently started to mess around with my camera and such, and started making these creations.

He doesn't really have a blog.... So i have nowhere to link him to..

Anyways I so so impressed, that I had him teach me, cause it was too pretty to miss out on.
And these are some me & him did another night.

You may notice some of them have a bluey tinge on them. This is because my other friend got a Sardine camera for his birthday, which came with several coloured flash filters, so we put them over my SLR.

I enjoyed the effect so much, that I recreated it on photoshop on some other photos. 

SO that's that. Sorry for the really long post.